Friday, 13 February 2015

[Val special] 20 Things which make women so women!!

A woman has always been a mystery for both men and women
themselves. There are so many things which make us different
from men and special in our own peculiar way. However, after all
these years of studying and observing women there are thing more
or less common for our ‘race’ (or ‘kind’). Here is the list of
scientifically proven (and not proven) that will help you (or not)
understand women better. Let’s start from physiology and move to
1. Women have a faster heartbeat (78 beats per minute )
The rate of heartbeat depends on the size of body in general. As
women’s bodies are smaller on average than men’s, their hearts
beat faster.
2. Women blink twice more often than men
This is generally explained by the higher levels of hormone
Estrogen in women’s bodies.
3. Women are better smellers…
It’s not because the better sense of smell. Women tend to
differentiate smells better than men and detect specific smells
4. And better listeners!
The trick is women listen with both sides of brain while men use
only left side of brain for listening.
5. …but lousy drinkers
Women can drink the same amount of alcohol but will have a
higher alcohol level in blood than men do. Thus, we have lower
alcohol tolerance, we are prone to become alcohol addicts sooner
than men and suffer more from hangovers. In other words, drinking
is not women’s cup of tea.
6. Women’s life expectancy is higher than it is for men worldwide.
This may be explained by different factors – the rate of hormons
(testosterone and estrogen) in organism, women’s slower
metabolism, lower death rate in childhood, better ability to adjust to
the environment. However, the longer life expectancy doesn’t mean
women are healthier than men. It just means we can leave through
the conditions that men die from.
7. Women speak about 20,000 words a day while for average man
this number is 13,000 times less.
Yes. Women are that chatty. On the other hand, if they have so
much topics to discuss – good for them!
8. Women cry about 30-64 times a year. Men cry on average 6 to
17 times a year.
Hormones again are the reason. 60 percent more prolactin in
women’s bodies – and we are crying rivers while men remain calm
and dry.
11. Both cases of highest IQs recorded (ever) belong to women.
Yup, we are that brainy. No more women’s logic related jokes,
12. Why do women lack free time? That’s the answer!
According to researches, women spend on average120 hours a
year looking in the mirrors, over 4 years of their lives menstruating,
and approximately one year of their lives deciding what to wear.
That’s a lot of busy time, indeed!
13. When woman dresses, she usually puts on a blouse first.
Pants come second. For men it is vice versa.
Science can’t explain this fact. That’s just how things work.
14. Women prefer chocolate over sex!
Seventy percent of women would have a bar of chocolate instead
of having sex. Well, it’s not a secret that men need more sex than
women. While men enjoy physical side, women enjoy the emotions
they get during intimacy. So, does it mean chocolate gives us more
emotional pleasure! That is something for men to think about…
15. Only 30% of women can orgasm from intercourse. And the
same amount of women have trouble reaching orgasm.
The reasons vary from physiological peculiarities, lack sex
education, inexprienced partner or wrong positions. The habit of
faking orgasm instead of talking with a partner and solving the
problem may also be the reason why women prefer chocolate.
16. There is always at least one thing that woman doesn’t like
about her body. Usually that’s either weight, or breast size.
Even super models who seem perfect to anyone try to hide some
imperfections they notice about their body. Seriously, women are so
17. High heels create the effect of roundish butt (it sticks out 25
percent more)
However, we all know stilettos are not practical, they seem to have
strong advantages.
And now, a couple of facts about women which are not
scientifically proven but were said by the wise men and so should
be taken for granted.
18. ‘A woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s: She changes it more
often.’ – Oliver Herford
19. ‘Every woman is wrong until she cries, and then she is right –
instantly.’ – Sam Slick
20. ‘Women are made to be loved, not understood.’ – Oscar Wilde

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